Project under

Communication for Change

Kuwentuhang Agri (Agriculture Stories): Digital Farmer Program

Planting Media and Digital Literacy Among Farmers

"Kuwentuhang Agri" or Agriculture Storytelling is a session conducted by PMFI for the Digital Farmer Program of Smart Communication and the Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Training Institute (DA-ATI) in 2019.

The Digital Farmer Program (DFP) is a nationwide program that aims to strengthen relationships between the youth (potential farmers) and the aging population of farmers. DFP gives farmers and the youth training on new technologies and helps them to adopt them in their daily farming practices or livelihood activities. The project hopes the youth would be enticed to pursue agriculture as a career or future profession.

PMFI delivered the "Kuwentuhang Agri" module for local smallholder farmers and the youth, teaching basics of media literacy, scriptwriting, digital content creation, multimedia platforms, and the art and ethics of communications. The sessions were held in 15 areas around the Philippines with 375 farmers and youth participants.

After the workshops, the participants created short video stories that were entered into a contest. Winners from each area received cash prizes and gifts.


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